Internet Security & Parental Controls

Family Safe Internet 24/7, on every device

Take full control over your Internet and protect your users.


What We Do

Kibosh Keeping Your Family Protected

At Kibosh, we are dedicated on providing sustainable solutions to inappropriate online content and ensuring a secure digital environment everywhere.

Our comprehensive offerings include a pornographic-free internet experience, commercial-grade malware protection for each device, robust parental controls, mobile internet security, and more. Kibosh delivers on its promises...

Kibosh Delivers On Its Promises...

How It Works

Multiple Layers of Security

Kibosh works by becoming the gateway between your Internet connection and all devices on your network

The MT6000, a powerful WiFi router, filters and monitors online activity in real-time to block access to pornography, malware, and phishing sites. Using advanced algorithms and cloud-based servers, it enforces safe browsing and content control based on your predefined settings.

Why Kibosh

The Internet as it should be

Kibosh 3.0 – Your Ultimate Online Protector

Kibosh 3.0 is the top choice for Internet Security and Parental Control, offering advanced technology, simple setup, and unbeatable protection. It shields against pornography, malware, and phishing, with easy plug-and-play installation and remote management—ideal for home, office, or on the go.

Additional Features

Take Control Over Your Devices
Provide enterprise-grade malware protection
LAN Security
Ability to further Block Apps & Websites
Pause / Start Internet
Schedule access to Apps & Websites
Monitor Bandwidth
Monitor History logs

Easy Setup

Only 3 steps
1 step

Replace existing Wifi router with Kibosh MT6000 router

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2 step

Register the Kibosh router and purchase a subscription

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3 step

Create profiles and assign devices to each profile

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Mobile Security via KiboshVPN

For iOS & Android

With Kibosh Global Dashboard you can easily deploy KiboshVPN to any Apple or Android mobile device

With KiboshVPN you can enjoy a fast, safe and worry-free Internet on the go.

Enforce safe search settings
Provide enterprise-grade malware protection
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John Doe

CEO, Company

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Jane Smith

Marketing Director

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Michael Brown

Software Engineer

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Michael Brown

Software Engineer

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